Displaying items by tag: конкурс

Победитель конкурса Start Up проектов "IT Solutions"

2018 жылдың қараша айында Корпоративтік қор "Эндаумент АТУ" ұйымдастырған Start Up жобалар конкурсының жеңімпазы "IT Solutions Centre" жобасы болды.

Қор "IT Solutions Centre" IT жобасын дамыту үшін 500 000 теңге көлемінде грант бөлді.

Дамудың негізгі бағыттары:

  • Веб-сайттар мен мобильді қосымшаларды әзірлеу.
  • Робототехника және бағдарламалау курстары.
  • Компьютерлік сауаттылық курстары және мұғалімдердің біліктілігін арттыру орталығы.

Есептік құжаттар:

.pdf  "IT Solutions Centre" ЖШС есебі

Поддержка стартап проекта "Kettik Qazaqstan"

2017 жылдың желтоқсан айында АТУ студенттерінің бизнес және әлеуметтік жобаларын қолдау бағдарламасы аясында "Эндаумент АТУ" қоры "Kettik Qazaqstan" командасына қаржылай қолдау көрсетті.

Қорға жүгінген кезде команда Алматы және Алматы облысында туристік маршруттарды табысты дамытып, жақын және алыс шетелдерден 500-ден астам клиентке қызмет көрсетті.

"Эндаумент АТУ" қорының қолдауымен "Kettik Qazaqstan" жобасы:

  • Маршруттар санын көбейтуді,
  • Клиенттік базаны 2,5 есеге арттыруды,
  • Негізгі табысты шетелдік клиенттер есебінен ұлғайтуды жоспарлады.

Жобаны сәтті қорғаған "Kettik Qazaqstan" командасы 189 000 теңге көлемінде қаржылай қолдау алды.

Есептік құжаттар:

.pdf  "Kettik Qazaqstan" жобасының презентациясы

.pdf  "Kettik Qazaqstan" ЖШС есебі

Tuesday, 19 November 2024 11:40

"Best Student of the Year" Competition

Конкурс "Лучший студент года"

Participate in the competition and win a semester scholarship!
Submit your documents by March 31, 2022.

The competition is open to students in their 2nd to 4th years of full-time study at ATU, who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in academic, research, community, sports, and cultural activities at the university.

Main goal of the competition:
To identify and reward students who have shown the most active involvement in their studies, science, student self-government, sports, creativity, and other fields during their time at ATU.

Corporate Fund "Endowment ATU".

Competition Timeline:
The competition will take place from March 14 to April 6, 2020, with the following stages:

Stage I – Submission of Applications

When: March 14–31, 2022 

To participate in the competition:

  1. Download and fill out the Application form online.
  2. Send the application to the email address: endowment@atu.edu.kz or deliver it in person to Room 1211, Main Academic Building.
  3. Download and complete the Portfolio “My Achievements – My Results” and attach it to your application. A strong portfolio will increase your chances of winning!

Attention: If the application or portfolio is submitted late or does not meet the requirements, participation in the competition may be denied.

Stage II – Portfolio Review

When: April 1–5, 2022

Each portfolio will be carefully reviewed, and no achievement will be overlooked. The most active students with significant achievements will be selected to participate in the final stage of the competition.

Stage III – Presentation

When: April 6, 2022

Finalists will present their achievements in a presentation or a short video format. The best student will be evaluated by the Expert Committee and members of the Board of Trustees of the Corporate Fund "Endowment ATU".

Four winners will receive certificates for "Best Student of the Year" and a scholarship grant of 25,000 tenge for one semester from the Corporate Fund "Endowment ATU".

For more detailed information about participation and competition conditions, you can view the following links:


.pdf  Competition Regulations

.doc  Application Form

.doc  Portfolio

Published in Конкурс en
Thursday, 14 November 2024 06:55

Final Stage of the START-UP Project Competition

On October 19, 2018, the final stage of the START-UP Project Competition, organized by the "Endowment ATU" Corporate Fund, took place. A total of 23 start-up projects were presented, each featuring creative, interesting, and noteworthy ideas.

On October 26, 2018, as part of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative Development of the Food, Light Industry, and Hospitality Industry," the award ceremony for the competition winners will be held.

Published in Новости en
Thursday, 14 November 2024 06:55

"Best Student of the Year" Competition

Конкурс "Лучший студент года"

Participate in the competition and win a semester scholarship!
Submit your documents by March 31, 2022.

The competition is open to students in their 2nd to 4th years of full-time study at ATU, who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in academic, research, community, sports, and cultural activities at the university.

Main goal of the competition:
To identify and reward students who have shown the most active involvement in their studies, science, student self-government, sports, creativity, and other fields during their time at ATU.

Corporate Fund "Endowment ATU".

Competition Timeline:
The competition will take place from March 14 to April 6, 2020, with the following stages:

Stage I – Submission of Applications

When: March 14–31, 2022 

To participate in the competition:

  1. Download and fill out the Application form online.
  2. Send the application to the email address: endowment@atu.edu.kz or deliver it in person to Room 1211, Main Academic Building.
  3. Download and complete the Portfolio “My Achievements – My Results” and attach it to your application. A strong portfolio will increase your chances of winning!

Attention: If the application or portfolio is submitted late or does not meet the requirements, participation in the competition may be denied.

Stage II – Portfolio Review

When: April 1–5, 2022

Each portfolio will be carefully reviewed, and no achievement will be overlooked. The most active students with significant achievements will be selected to participate in the final stage of the competition.

Stage III – Presentation

When: April 6, 2022

Finalists will present their achievements in a presentation or a short video format. The best student will be evaluated by the Expert Committee and members of the Board of Trustees of the Corporate Fund "Endowment ATU".

Four winners will receive certificates for "Best Student of the Year" and a scholarship grant of 25,000 tenge for one semester from the Corporate Fund "Endowment ATU".

For more detailed information about participation and competition conditions, you can view the following links:


.pdf  Competition Regulations

.doc  Application Form

.doc  Portfolio

Published in Новости en